Sunday, October 19, 2008

Character Sketches 2 - Illustrated

As an added bonus I fought my way through scanning pictures with the backup computer (laptop is in the shop) and have added some of Emily's awesome character sketches. The level of dedication this entails may not be readily obvious but trust me, this was a good hour per picture when averaged out.

Alex's Eladrin wizard, Imaris, again as detailed by Emily. This is mostly based off Alex's highly detailed mini. Alex claims he's not as artistic as some of us but he's head and shoulders the best mini-painter. Stay tuned for a photo-gallery of minis, as most of them are works of art all by themselves.
Emily's youthful murderess, Jess Solith. Born an elf and raised in a snake-cult. 4th Ed. Zehir cult reminds me of Conan the Barbarian, John Milius' ode to blood and violence: "Two-three years ago it was just another snake cult. Now, their accursed towers are everywhere. Hey, you interested in some black lotus? Stygian, the best!" Go here for a fantastic article on John Milius, Conan, Red Dawn and Apocalypse Now as the embodiment of conservative nutterdom.
Based on Kathy's original character art here's Emily's sketch of Xandra, the halfling ranger out to avenge the death of her sister.
Here's Demona, under her own personal black cloud. Note the tiefling horns. Not shown are the hot pants that her mini sports so provocatively. Although if pictures followed her mini faithfully she'd be one armed after one too many die-rolling mishaps by Emma. Everybody has taken down the occasional tabletop full of minis in mid-encounter but Emma seems to have perfected the art of D20 bowling with carefully crafted minis as pins.

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