Sunday, September 28, 2008

A History Lesson for Nevermore

The Great Boon and the Screaming Madness

One hundred years ago the mighty Empire of Akresh covered all these lands. Fanning out through the river valleys and tributaries the empire expanded from as far west as the Nogrond mountain of the dwarves to the reclaimed crumbled ruins of Old Brothamor in the east. The emperor made citizens of all annexed lands until he could field an army of Sirek amazons, Mazak clans, dwarvish sappers and artillery, gnomish scouts and Cascan heavy infantry.

But it was the emperor’s law of heroic succession that cemented its place in history. Heroes who proved themselves in the interest of the empire were quickly granted status as hazards (upper class citizens) and even thanats (aristocrats). These powerful heroes formed the backbone of the noble class, performing great feats and commanding forces that defended the empire. The greatest of such heroes was the thanat Lorin, an exiled Eladrin wizard who personally commanded the forces that won the giantkin wars. Destined to greatness it was no wonder that Lorin became the next emperor in a bloodless dynasty change.

It was under the reign of Emperor Lorin that the Screaming Madness came to the world.

It began with an anomaly. Wizards and sages began to notice magical power was subtly increasing; and then warping into new qualities. The learned eventually pinpointed the cause of this magical enhancement, a distant star that was drawing brighter. For nearly a decade magic grew more powerful, so that even the least wizards could cast mighty spells. The wizard-emperor made many wonders undreamed of. Mighty monuments to the deluge of magic. As the star grew brighter it grew larger and the same learned sages decided that some celestial body of vast size was drawing closer. It was called the golden boon. The closer it came, the greater the power granted.

A power that came at a price.

The approaching light was in fact the insane god, laying in his eternal sleep, crossing the heavens in long path that heralded horrible change. Sages and wizards waited with excitement as the insane one drew near and at its final approach they turned their oraculars to the embryonic mass curled in slumber as it passed the world. The rest is well known. All who looked directly upon the sleeping one went mad. Magic, so long a powerful tool, went awry, mutating everything it touched. Creatures of madness, and abomination unknown to the world sprang into existence, devastating entire kingdoms. Mad wizards spewed chaos and destruction, bringing down the mighty creations of the golden boon.

The world destroyed itself. Kingdoms and empires collapsed. Wizards became despotic warlords before they destroyed themselves. Emperor Lorin, touched by madness, dove his empire into anarchy and evil rites; disappearing as the burning wreckage of state collapsed around him. In the ruins that were left behind the monstrous humanoids led invasions that overran what civilization remained. What are left are tiny islands of survivors; civilization extends only as far as they can claw back from the chaos.

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